
商品名: 芦屋町赤紫蘇塩のど飴(ペリーラちゃん)
ブランド: あたか農園×パルセイユ株式会社
ワンヘルス認証商品: 福岡県ワンヘルス認証商品
原材料: 還元パラチノース(国内製造)、還元水飴、海塩(福岡県芦屋町産)、赤紫蘇粉末(福岡県芦屋町産)、梅酢(紀州産)
保存方法: 高温の場所には保管しないでください。粒々感は赤紫蘇の葉が入っているためです。
アレルギー物質: 原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質はありません(28品目中)。
容量: 60g(個装紙込み) 販売価格 1袋 税込み486円
Introducing a salt throat lozenge made with Akajiso (red perilla) and homemade sea salt, featuring the character design of “Perīra-chan”. This product is a specialty of Ashiya-cho. Here are the details:
Product Name: Ashiya-cho Akajiso Salt Throat Lozenge (Perīra-chan)
Brand: Ataka Farm x Parceille Co., Ltd.
One Health Certified Product: Fukuoka Prefecture One Health Certified Product
Ingredients: Reduced palatinose (domestically produced), reduced water candy, sea salt (produced in Ashiya-cho, Fukuoka Prefecture), powdered Akajiso (produced in Ashiya-cho, Fukuoka Prefecture), Ume vinegar (produced in Kishu)
Storage: Please avoid storing in high-temperature places. The granular texture is due to the inclusion of Akajiso leaves.
Allergens: No allergens included in the ingredients (out of 28 items).
Capacity: 60g (including individual packaging)
Price: 486 yen per bag (including tax)
Product Features:
It is blended with Akajiso cultivated without pesticides and homemade sea salt.
No sugar is used, but the granular texture of Akajiso and the delicious salt from Ashiya-cho enhance the sweetness.
No food additives such as flavorings, synthetic colorings, or preservatives are used.
It contains zero sugars and has a mild level of sweetness.
This product is a collaborative development between Parceille Co., Ltd. and the General Incorporated Association Ashiya-cho Akajiso Research Institute.
The Ashiya-cho Akajiso Research Institute is a specialized institution that studies the functional components of Akajiso and the potential of plants.
Recommended Usage:
Ideal for replenishing salt intake.
Can be used as a companion for sports and outdoor activities.
Highly recommended as a souvenir or memento.